The SLETCHER is a revolutionary rescue and extraction stretcher incorporating the fundamentals of a sledge and stretcher. Developed by a team of highly experienced medical, rescue and military specialists, the design utilises ground-breaking innovation and technology to solve significant issues in patient stabilisation and extraction.
The Sletcher is a rolled-up sleeping bag-sized device, once unrolled the Sletcher utilises the ArmaTrex foam expansion concept to 'inflate' its structure; providing two polymer-filled tubes, and parallel longitudinal rails, running the length of the Sletcher. To enclose the casualty, two flanking wings fold and overlap, supported in place by an integrated casualty torso harness.
Revolutionise patient extraction and stabilization with the SLETCHER
Developed by experienced medical, rescue and military specialists, its innovative design solves critical issues in emergency situations.
The Sletcher Family comprises 6 different Sletchers adapted for varying user groups, from the medical response, maritime, mountain rescue and military scenarios, designed to be used more than once, subject to external wear and tear, with replacement packs for the internal polymer tube chambers.
Additional Information
Low cost
Easy to use
Sets within minutes
Effective trauma to triage solution
Point of care / At the scene instant use
Sealed and disposable
Minimum disruption to the patient
No need to remove for an X-Ray
Weighs 4.5 - 5.5 Kg
It can carry a weight of up to 135 Kg
6 Variations of the product to suit different scenarios
These products are registered patents through:
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
Medical Devices Regulations (MDR) Class 1 Medical Device
UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA)
Recognised by The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)